The Hun Personals

Celina Cross

with Celina Cross

6 minute movie

107 High Resolution Images

Movie description:

This worthless pinata is just another faded memory in The Minion's mind. I know she needed some pesos to get her ESSAY some cerveza. It's been the same old song and dance with this beaner bitches but I hadn't dumped any of my ball menudo in a while. She slobbered the moment I mentioned that I pay well but she damn near cried when she found out what would be expected. She could have left and had her boyfriend make ends meet by hanging out at Home Depot or she could suck sugar my churro. Guess which route she went. I stuffed my tamale deep down her throat and she cursed the day her family hoped the border much like I curse the day trans fat became available. Watch me dump a hefty load alll over her. She got the hell out of my house once I threatened to call immigration on her. In reality, I called up and had a pizza delivered.

6 minute movie

107 High Resolution Images

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