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Metal Massage Part 4 - Romi Rain 2018-08-10



  • 70 Pictures
  • 31:53 Video

Winner XBIZ Best Sex Scene -- Comedy Release
Small Hands was still short on rent and landlord Joanna Angel was only giving him one more day to come up with the rest. Then, like an angel sent from the metal gods above: Romi Rain, legendary lead singer of Toxic Pussy walked through the doors! She had to come inside what really seemed like her kinda place. Small Hands nearly lost it, as he worships the ground she walks on! Romi LOVES going to spas on her days off, but hates LAME fluffy towels and and smelling like flowers. She was certainly at the right place, and ordered the air guitar special! It included Small Hands playing air guitar, and Romi massaging herself, dripping in coconut oil! And then there's all of the sex on the massage table, of course. Her experience was so amazing that she, still drenched in oil and cum, decided to buy the place and keep it open forever! Talk about a happy ending.


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