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Menage A Trans #08 - Erica Cherry, Sophia Burns & Hatler Gurius 2022-05-12



  • 110 Pictures
  • 39:08 Video

Hatler Gurius drives up to his home with his friend Sophia Burns. They exit the vehicle and pull out Sophia's luggage, revealing that Sophia is actually going to be staying in a spare room Hatler has. Sophia asks if it's going to be okay with Hatler's girlfriend, Erica Cherry, who lives with him. He assures Sophia that it will be fine and that Erica is actually really excited to have her stay with them. Erica greets them at the door and gives Sophia a big hug. It's clear that she and Sophia will get along famously. After showing Sophia up to her room, Erica excuses herself, leaving Hatler and Sophia alone together. They chat for a bit about Hatler's relationship with Erica- Sophia had no idea he was into trans girls! Sophia also admits that she'd be interested in experiencing sex with a trans woman. A few hours later, Hatler goes to see Sophia in her room and proposes something very kinky to her. He invites her to come to his and Erica's bedroom for a threesome. He told Erica about how Sophia was curious about trans sex and Erica is happy to oblige. He leads Sophia to their bedroom, where Erica is waiting in sexy lingerie, and they embark upon a steamy, exploratory threesome.


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