HOME Blondes First Date Fuck w/ Big-Eyed Blonde Bombshell
First Date Fuck w/ Big-Eyed Blonde Bombshell
(This model was 23 years old at the time of filming)
Dear Diary - As I mentioned last time , I was talking to a few girls on dating sites that looked easy for a first date fuck. Good news: One of them took the bait and agreed to meet up for a date! Her name is Daniela. She's a 20yo very pretty full-lips blonde with nice big doe eyes and already a bad habit of making me wait. I was en-route to meet her for a bite to eat when she suddenly canceled and said we could meet at night, as it was better for her. Nothing else I could do but agree to it. I am happy to say, though, that she did keep her word this evening, and what I am presenting you guys with is nothing short of stellar! Daniela is on vacation in Europe, much like me, and is on a mission to go where the wind blows her. I played it legit with this girl. Kept the conversation clean. She agreed to meet me, she says, because of how forward and good at conversing without being perverted. Many already talk about their first date fuck like it's a conversation starter. Hot tip: Don't jump right to sex! It gives them a terrible creepy Quagmyre vibe! If she only knew then what she knows now, though haha 🤣
There was some seriously heavy flirting going on. She was holding something back - and I didn't want to scare her off. So, I just followed her lead, while dropping subtle hints and making her feel totally comfortable. Playing on my amateur photographer angle, I soon started photographing her like she was a model for her coffee, opening her reservations. This was ample time to push my raison d'être . Talking about travel, I teased her with going on extravagant shopping excursions together - and having her model for me at my room. I HAD TO PROMISE TO BE GOOD, WHILE HER FACIAL EXPRESSIONS SCREAMED "FUCK ME!"
The only option to make photos tonight was to head right straight to my room with promises of being a 'good boy' and no first date fuck shenanigans. Well, her mouth said those things... but her smiles, head nodding, and blushing said otherwise. She just had to talk herself into it while I blatted on and pleaded my case.
From there, she soon followed me to my room and I quickly jumped into starting the photoshoot. As Daniela became more and more comfortable, we could feel a sensual connection brewing. She wanted to take this all of the way but I felt that in her heart, it was the camera stopping her from enjoying a pouncing first date fuck. I quickly promised that she can review everything and delete it.
We played on the excitement of pretending to be a porn star. And of documenting her breaking her no-sex-on-1st-date rule in such a horny way. I was given the green light and well... you'll just have to watch the video to see how the rest of the story plays out, guys. And low-and-behold, after reviewing her video and photos afterward, she even agreed to keep it ALL!
Good night!
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