Maki Hojo and her lover are experimenting with public sex adventures. After she sucked dick on a street corner while wearing a remote-controlled vibrator, she wanted to try something even dirtier. So her friend took her to a bar, wearing nothing but a trench coat. The vibrator was still in her pussy and her friend was still messing with her while they were sitting at the bar. The strangers could hear the vibrations, but they didn’t know what they were. That’s when Maki’s friend made her get up and show the guys what the sound was. In the process, she also had to show them her pussy, which was odd but intriguing for the guys. Even though the bar owner was a bit skeptical about her slutty attitude, she convinced everyone in the place that she can show them a good time after she started grinding on the cock of her friend. She got the clients of the bar to whip out their dicks so that she can wank them and suck on them while her friend was fucking her pussy from behind. And after she made both those clients cum, she moved to a more secluded place so that she can properly enjoy her friend’s horny dick. They fucked so hard in the empty bar and she had so many orgasms. She even picked the cum out of her pussy on her fingers to taste it. We can safely assume that she’s now satisfied.
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