Amazing Jokes

Captured & Fucked Wonder Woman - XXL MOVIE

  • 41:12minutes
  • FullHD

We see a guy with a mask who comes in a room. He robbed a bank and must have a break. But he is surprised that wonderwoman enters the room and she knows that he is the bankrobber. They fight but the man has no chance. Wonderwoman overpowers him and she wants to know where the money from the robbery is. She searches after the money and leaves him for a while. She knows that she has super power and that the guy has no chance. While she is away the guy searches after a remote control in his back. As wonderwoman comes back he doesn’t longer lays on the floor. Wonderwoman is surprised and laughs as she see that he wants to defeat her with a remote control. But this was a mistake. He frozens her with a click on the button of the remote control. Now wonderwoman is in the hands of the guy. As she wants to overpower him again he frozens her. He commands her to take off her dress. He touches her body and kisses her nipples and slaps her ass. As she realizes what happens she is really angry and tries to defeat him. But all time he uses the control. So she can’t do anything. While she is frozen she tell him also a secret. Wonderwoman looses her power if her hands are cuffed together with strong and cold chains. He tries it and cuffs her hands behind her back. And really. Wonderwoman looses her power. She is really angry and tries to come free. Now it’s time for a blowjob. She has to kneel down and sucks his dick. After a while he commands her to masturbate. Now the guy is really horny. He wants to fuck her from behind. She kneels down and bents over. He pulls his dick in her pussy and fucks her and grabs her hair and fucks her again and again. He cums on her ass. Wonderwoman is really disgusted over the sperm on her body. He commands her to take on the dress again and sits down on the sofa. He pushes a button on the remote control that she looses her memories. He carries her over his shoulder out of the room. Wonderwoman wakes up outdoor on a tree. She doesn’t know what happens and is a little bit confused and goes away to the chief inspector.


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