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My Girl's No Quitter! - Mommy's Girl
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My Girl's No Quitter! 2023-03-04



  • 35 Pictures
  • 40:23 Video

Aften Opal and her classmates on the school prom committee had been working hard to make sure their prom was going to be amazing. But now Aften has to tell her stepmom, Christie Stevens, some bad news: their prom committee was disbanded because the school didn't approve of them trying to make the prom all-inclusive.Christie is proud of Aften for having tried to do the right thing. Christie is a wedding planner who has a lot of connections for organizing big events, so she encourages Aften to host an alternative prom and offers examples of how they can be resourceful. Aften is in awe of Christie's go-getter attitude, but also disappointed she couldn't come up with the plan herself. Christie assures Aften it's okay to ask for and accept help, and she's ALWAYS happy to help her darling stepdaughter... even though Aften is growing up so fast that she's sure Aften won't need her anymore.Aften says that she will always need Christie and hugs her, leading to hints of attraction between them. Aften shares how much she cares about Christie, and more sparks fly as they come onto each other. Caught up in the heat of the moment, they kiss and then have loving sex.


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