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An Unfamiliar Bed 2022-05-21



  • 35 Pictures
  • 39:29 Video

Liz Jordan looks worried, so her stepmom, Pristine Edge, joins her and asks what's wrong. Liz reveals that she has an upcoming field trip that will be multiple days long, and she's worried she won't be able to rest in an unfamiliar bed.Pristine is reassuring as she suggests that they rest in each other's beds this week, so that Liz can get used to being in a different bed. Even so, Liz frets that she won't be able to rest AT ALL, so Pristine says that she'll spend the first night with her to ease her into it.Later that night, Pristine is dozing in her bed, while Liz tosses and turns beside her. Liz rouses Pristine and complains that she's unable to catch a wink. Pristine becomes nurturing as she cuddles and spoons Liz, trying to help her relax through her soothing touch. Eventually, Liz turns around so she can nuzzle into Pristine's bosom, which leads to an unexpected spark and even more intimate touching.There's definitely ONE thing they can do to help Liz unwind!


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