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Questions to her:What's your name and how old are you?How long have you been a smoker?Can you tell how did it happen? Who showed you. Where'd you learn?Which cigarettes were these?Why did you do this? Out of curiosity?Did you ever smoke these before?How long was it after that moment you began to smoke daily?How often do you do this?So you don't have an addiction to smoking, have you?How many cigarettes are able to smoke at once?Can you smoke with no hands in front of camera now?Which cigarettes are your favourite? How many brands did you try anyway?Tell me where do you regularly smoke? Which places?Do your parents know that you smoke.Do you live together with parents?Did you ever happen to smoke on playgrounds or in a hallway?Can you do any tricks like blowing smoke rings or anything?Do you smoke hookah a lot? Vape?Do you spit when you smoke cigarettes?Do you feel smoking effects your health somehow?Do you pay attention to inscriptions on a pack that smoking harms health?Do you litter when you open a new pack?Do you smoke your cigarette when you wake up or in the middle of the day? Or it's always different?And what do you feel after that cigarette? Does kick your brain?How do you feel about taste and smell of cigarettes when you're smoking?Do you regret you began smoking? And you didn't try give up smoking?D'you know that there're people who enjoy watching at smoking ladies and what do you think about it?Can you try to smoke another right after the first one?Does a cigarette suit you, in your opinion?Do you perceive yourself sexier while smoking?You feel yourself horned up when smoking?Are you going to stop smoking for the period of pregnancy?It's just that some pregnant girls carry on with smoking?What are your hobbies? Can you tell about it?And what do you sell as a sales representative?Do you have any smoking related rituals or traditions?Do you normally do anything to get rid of the tobacco smell or taste out of your mouth?Are you seeing someone? Does he smoke?What kind of men do you prefer smoking or non-smoking?Have you ever given a non-smoker advice to start smoking?Do you count how much you spend on smoking a month?Did you like the second cig or it's hard?