I get a lot of thieving milfs in here, but I knew I was in for a treat when I brought Lory into my back office for interrogation. Those massive tits were enough to make me sing, and I knew she was guilty from the jump, but they always try and play innocent. Sure, I played along with her little game - the truth would come out soon enough. I found a big bottle of oil in her bag. So I thought - If it’s oil she wants, it’s oil I’ll give her. I slathered those big milky tits with a hot splash of oil, making sure to work my hands down her perfect curvy body, enjoying every inch as I moved closer towards that pussy of hers. She was shocked and disgusted, but she secretly liked being treated like this - I could tell from her attitude she liked being put in her place from time to time. What kind of guy would I be to deny her of this fucked up fantasy? I took complete control and taught this busty babe a lesson she won’t soon forget…
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