
Kat's Fourth Appearance

with Kat

31 minute movie

124 High Resolution Images

Movie description:

There must have been a strain of E.coli that affected every burrito and taco truck in my area. Kat came to play with The Sleazy One but her insane antics nearly made me call the Loony Bin. Kat wanted to be a big star but her fingering my belly button wasn't winning points with me. I had the little Latina suck my kosher wang right before riding every inch of my pork. I fucked every inch of that pink taco despite my face being completely covered with whipped cream. That border hopper had good aim which must be from all those years of swinging at pinatas. Nevertheless, I kept fucking her panocha until my nut sauce covered her face. Much like Taco Bell, she ran for the border after I was done with her.

31 minute movie

124 High Resolution Images

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