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Kinzy Jo & Super Minion

with Kinzy Jo

21 minute movie

184 High Resolution Images

Movie description:

Somewhere in West Virginia there's a village without its idiot. At first glance Kinzy Jo appeared to have shit for brains and the appeal of day-old bread. Being Super Minion, it didn't faze me to stick my superhero cock down her whitetrash mouth. I caught her on the couch of my alter ego masturbating. When I flew back in it dawned on me that using her oral skills would benefit me rather than tossing her in the slammer. I knew my choice was the right one when her mouth slobbered all over my fuckstick in ways that are undescribeable. She must have been stronger than she looked since she was able to keep my massive girth from crashing into her rib cage as her mouth went into overtime. I fed her my own brand of moon shine as her mouth filled to the brim with my superhero sauce.

21 minute movie

184 High Resolution Images

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