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Kinzy Jo

with Kinzy Jo

23 minute movie

88 High Resolution Images

Movie description:

A sunny afternoon could only mean two things: Pizza deliveries would be on time, and Kinzy Jo would be over to my house for some memorable times. I had a feeling that this inbred slut would try to rob me as she was gobbling on my kosher dill pickle. No. I was wrong and she could suck a mean dick! Kinzy came me the tired old rap about wanting to get into porn. I thought she said "corn" and that got me harder than Chinese algebra. I slammed my massive cock into her uterus until her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Kinzy knew that the highway to porn stardom runs through my house-especially my kitchen, but that was being renovated. I kept sticking her with my salami until I felt it was the right time to deposit my babies right down her throat.

23 minute movie

88 High Resolution Images

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