So a while ago I was living in central florida in a commercial office space I rented off Craigslist. Shit was rough for a nigga after going through a divorce and losing my homes and cars and shit. So in the process of getting back on my feet, I started filming porn in my office space during odd business hours while juggling work and showering in the gym basically. Some of my older DVD series Rent Money Girls was filmed in this office space back in the day. Anyhow, I was hustling movies with my Canon GL1 DV tape camcorder and filming pretty much any girl that came my way. When you post ads on craigslist, sometimes actual porn stars will show up for video work. This was the case with Sierra Sanchez. She was already Miami famous at the particular time and was staying in a really nice hotel room which she agreed to allowed me to film in which I thought was very fucking cool.
Sierra is what they call Taino native american indian, with roots in Panama. Part spanish basically, but with Native American indian features no less. This is one of my personal favorite videos in the NDNgirls series because she is young, fit, hot, clean, sexy, all in one small little package. This is a blowjob and handjob video where she gives a little strip tease show and sucks me off, jacks me off, and I cum on her face and perfect big tits. A great fucking scene overall for Sierra, native american indian hottie.