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100% Female Produced

Real Girls - Real Orgasms

Miss Juliette March

114 Preview Photo's \ 2020-03-15 \ Featuring: Juliette March

Variety is the Spice of Life and we spice it up with a diverse selection of beautiful girls. Voluptuous mature Latinas, blonde teen spinners, first timers on film, porn stars featured in a way you have never seen before, we have them all. We adore girls of all types and love showing you how they get off behind closed doors, alone and together. Just look at the variety of girls we have waiting for you.

What do the girls you know do behind closed doors? You will be surprised to learn the truth. JOIN YANKS

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Featuring the girls you know, unscripted, natural, and always ending in an orgasm. We understand a girl's desires and use what we know to set up an environment where maximum pleasure can take place. We then capture it all on film in the highest quality possible. At Yanks you will see videos of girls doing things together and alone that you simply will not see anywhere else.

Sequoia Strips

Featuring: Sequoia

Yanks' Philosophy ~ by Billie (a girl)